Frequently Asked Questions

We know you may have questions about our services. Below are list of frequently asked questions. If you need any further assistance please feel free to reach out via email, petersenspick@gmail, and we will get back to you as soon as we can.

When should I expect the cherries to be harvested?

Our orchard typically is harvested the end of June, but Mother Nature determines that each year. We will give days notice before delivery.

When you say fresh, how fresh?

Picked, packed, chilled, and delivered within 24-48 hours of harvest.

How do you properly store cherries?

It's important to keep them chilled in refrigeration and place them in a container to maintain moisture. This helps extend their time of freshness.

How will I know when and where to meet for pick-up?

Once you have made an order, you will receive status updates via email and/or Facebook which will provide all the details needed for pick-up. Above all, keep referring back to my website for latest and current updates as email can be unreliable.

When I arrive, what do I do?

We would love to meet you so please introduce yourself! Have your confirmation number ready, too, and you’ll walk away with your delicious, fresh Petersen’s Pick products.

Will you ship cherries instead?

To maintain our quality and to ensure of a great delivery and experience, we currently don’t for the time being.